Green and blue: A healthy career is green and blue
Another principle we see in nature is interdependence. The work done by one organism provides sustenance for other organisms in an amazing web of interrelatedness. By contrast, human work has been exploitative, not only of the environment, but also of other human beings.
Sensitivity to the ‘other’ is a deeply valued Indian concept. Jiva interprets this into a career development principle that sharpens the young person’s sensitivity to the environment and to human relationships.
During Jiva workshops students discuss how global warming, biodiversity, conservation of resources, renewable energy, waste management, transportation alternatives, affordable housing, environmental health, over consumption, exploitation and social justice are directly linked to how we practice our careers.
Career by its very nature implies promotion of the self. Yet, the practice of a career lies in the interface between garnering of personal gain and services rendered to society. Career development suffers or even grinds to a halt when the dynamic tension between this ‘giving’ and ‘receiving’ is disturbed.
When we set the sky as the limit for our careers, are we also turning the earth brown?’