Connecting Life with Career
We are...
…a national and international network of psychologists, counsellors, social workers and teachers mentored by The Promise Foundation on skills for facilitating the potential realisation of adolescents, youth and their families. We have worked together for three decades to develop research driven applications to deliver professional services and build capacity for career counselling and livelihood planning in India and the developing world.
What is Jiva About?
The word Jiva means ‘life’ in most of the Indian languages. The Jiva programme is based on the premise that a healthy career is integrally connected to one’s life.
Contemporary economic development has dramatically altered earlier notions of work and career. The young person is presented today with a bewildering array of occupational possibilities.
Jiva is a guidance and counselling system that has been designed to support the career and livelihood planning needs of Indian young people through culturally relevant career counselling services.
Jiva interprets career into the Indian economic context, drawing from the roots of our culture to support the career development and livelihood planning of all contemporary Indian young people.
Our Reach

Jiva includes and goes beyond psychometric tests.
Jiva is a teaching-learning experience that prepares the young person for lifelong, self-mediated career development.
What is “career” and what is career guidance?
Read on to know more..
From the Flint to the Microchip

From the Flint to the Microchip
Career is a form of work that finds its being within a specific cultural context…a context characterised by patterns of beliefs and ways of thinking. What family and society have to say about a career path significantly influences career decision making.
Typically, career implies:
- a personal engagement with the world of work
- making a decision and selecting a particular career path
- matching personal suitability (interests, talents) with career tasks
- obtaining appropriate training and qualification
- specialization for ongoing, lifelong development.
Career is a form of work that requires the willful direction of energy, formal qualification and specialised effort, directed toward meeting societal needs through a specific area of work, for which one gains the means for a livelihood, an identity, social status and opportunities for the realisation of personal potentials.

What is "Career Guidance"?
During earlier times work roles were allocated through social and cultural norms. Occupations ran in families and making a choice was perhaps not as necessary or possible as it today. Probably there was little or no need for career counselling and guidance. However, as new occupations emerged, the issue of matching people to jobs surfaced as a question that needed an urgent answer. Accordingly, systems and methods emerged to match people to jobs on the basis of their traits, abilities, and talents. And so emerged the profession of career guidance and counselling. This systematization of methods to support and facilitate career choice and decision making marks a notable landmark in the history of work.
Career guidance is a service rendered by competent and trained professionals.
It aims, at helping the individual optimise personal potentials through the realisation of his or her social and economic role as a “worker”.
Career guidance supports the individual for the lifelong development of wellbeing as well as the prosperity of society.
Effective, career guidance is informed by a culturally-resonant interpretation of the social, behavioural and pedagogical sciences.
Career as a Continuum
Career did not emerge in all economies spontaneously. In most societies human engagement with work progressed as it had for centuries earlier. Today, the notion of a personal career has made its appearance in many more parts of the world and work has changed from being simply linked to survival needs to something far more complex, requiring increasing amounts of specialization and training.
Therefore, manifestation of career can be seen in two broad contexts: Western cultures where the idea of career was born and non Western contexts where it is, in many respects, culturally alien. In the former, the manifestation of career would be spontaneous and culturally congruent. In the latter, its manifestation could be the result of exigency induced by global transformations.
It seems that the delineation of career from work lies along a continuum. At one end is “career” in its fully developed form, as it has been described above. At the other end is a complete absence of this notion of career. And along this continuum are various culturally mediated manifestations of the idea of career.

Jiva Concepts
Career Beliefs