Jiva Workshop Content

Jiva workshops are designed to:

  • help students make rational and thoughtful career decisions for the immediate future.

as well as…

  • aquire skills for life-long, self-mediation of the labour market.

This is accomplished through a Four-Step model called the Jiva Career Discovery Path

The Career Discovery Path

Understanding Myself

Discover personal potentials through:

  • Aptitude Tests
  • Interest Inventories
  • Guided Introspection
  • Hobbies
  • Accomplishments
  • Academic History

Understanding the World of Work

Skills to interrogate a career before making a choice:

  • Courses and Streams
  • New careers
  • Eligibilities 
  • Qualifications

Career Alternatives

Decision Making:

  • Identifying 3 to 4 careers matched to one’s potentials
  • Making back up plans

Career Preparation

Matching career alternatives with preparation tasks:

  • Plotting educational and career paths and identifying milestones for the next 4 to 5 years
  • Identifying specific preparation activities (e.g., entrance exams, portfolio, work experience, job shadowing)
  • Jiva assesses both interest and aptitude. 
  • Our method blends qualitative and quantitative data to build a specific potential profile for each individual. 
  • All techniques are culturally validated 
  • all psychometric inventories and tests are statistically standardised and normed for the Indian context.
  • Participants are introduced to a wide range of careers, courses, subject streams, institutions, entrance procedures and eligibility criteria.
  • Attitudes towards work and career beliefs are also discussed. 
  • Students learn skills to interrogate a career, before they commit to a career path. 
  • Students learn decision making skills
  • They combine information about themselves and the world of work to identify a specific set of careers to explore further.
  • The workshop culminates with the student learning to generate and develop a five-year blue print of educational pathways and career milestones.

Activity Based

Students engage with the topics in the Career Discovery Path through a wide variety of interesting activities including games, peer discussions, tests, inventories, group work and time for quiet introspection. 

A typical workshop comprises 12 to 15 activities.

Workshop Details


  • The duration of a typical workshop is about 6 hours. 
  • This can be delivered in one full working day or broken up into 2 sessions. 


  • Ideally suited for High School (Grade 10) and Higher Secondary (Grades 11 and 12).
  • Content is designed  differently each age group keeping in view the career development tasks special to each group.


  • The group workshop is designed for about 40 students per group. 


Jiva lays a strong emphasis on the inclusion of parents in the career guidance process.  Therefore special sessions are held for the parents of students who participate in the workshop.